Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Pencil Parable...something to ponder over...

After reading through this nice piece of advice, I reckon that I can now understand what a friend of mine used to tell me before:

"The more one is the instrument of God, the more readily God works through that instrument. If a pen rebelled against the direction of the hand, less writing would be possible."

SUCCESS keeps you GLOWING...and
ALLAH keeps you GOING!

Wallahu ta'ala a'laam....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dust is my bed....

Sincerely supplicating to the Lord,
You're my hope
Hoping - O Allah - for
a Paradise
in which my bliss shall be attained...

DEATH: To our surprise, this five-letter-word is mentioned more than 200 times in the Noble Qur'an...Indeed, death is INEVITABLE...So, be prepared my beloved brothers and sisters in Faith...

"Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing)." [QS3:185]

May Allah grant His Mercy towards my dear deceased brother, Khalid Abdul Aziz...Ameen

Today will always be such a memorable day for the rest of my life...Allah knows best....Wallahu ta'ala a'laam....

Seeking His forgiveness....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Belajarlah pada pohon....

Sejak beberapa hari yang lalu, diri ini terpanggil untuk membaca kisah-kisah teladan buat menjadi bekalan bagi meneruskan perjuangan hidup sebagai musafir perantau di dunia menuju kehidupan abadi di akhirat…

MashaAllah, ternyata di waktu diri seolah lemas dek pancaroba dunia, rupa-rupanya Sang Kekasih tidak lupa untuk mengilhamkan diri ini membuka semula kotak-kotak email yang lama….tangan ini digerakkan untuk membaca kiriman dari seorang ukhti fillah dari negara jiran…Subhanallah, tepat…memang terkena tamparan maha hebat di rona wajah tatkala membaca kisah ini dari satu perenggan ke perenggan yang lain..justeru, diharapkan sahabat-sahabat sekelian mampu meluangkan sedikit masa untuk meneliti kisah ini dan cuba mengeluarkan ‘ibroh (pengajaran) daripadanya….Wallahu ta’ala a’laam…Allah yubarak fiikum…


Suatu hari saya mendapat cerita dari seorang sahabat dekat. Dia tinggal di kota lain di sebuah negeri empat musim. Jangan pernah tanya siapa, kerana dia tidak mahu namanya disebut-sebut. Cerita ini berkisarkan pergelutan batinnya dalam mengenal Tuhan. Mungkin ada pelajaran yang bisa kita ambil daripada kisah ini. InshaAllahu khayr…Dia mempunyai seorang guru spiritual yang juga masih muda, namun memiliki ilmu dan hikmah yang sangat dalam. Dia bertemu dengan gurunya, lebih kurang sekali dalam sebulan. Setiap pertemuan berikutnya, sang guru selalu bertanya :

“Bagaimana perkembangan dan pengalaman selama sebulan ini? Ada bahan apa yang bisa diambil hikmahnya sekarang?”

Keadaan ini berterusan. Terakhir sebelum berpisah lama dengan gurunya, dia juga sempat bertemu dan sang guru memberi tugas baru. Tugasnya adalah agar dia belajar menjadi manusia. Manusia dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya, iaitu manusia sebagai wakil Tuhan, sebagai khalifah di muka bumi. Dan untuk menjadi khalifah dia harus mengenal yang diwakilinya, mengenal Tuhannya.

"Kenali sifat-sifat Tuhan. Jagalah hatimu, ucapanmu, dan akhlakmu sehingga mencerminkan sifat-sifat Tuhan. Tuhan Maha Suci, Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang... Tidak usah pening-pening memikirkan caranya, cukup jalani saja hidupmu dengan seadanya. Tidak usah banyak meminta. Nanti kau akan menemukan sendiri."

Alkisah, sahabat saya ini harus pergi ke negara lain atas urusan pekerjaan. Sebelumnya dia memulai pelaburan, bisnes. Teman-temannya sudah ada yang berjaya, dan dia lihat sendiri buktinya. Dengan berbekalkan sedikit wang beberapa belas juta, dia memulakan pelaburannya. Kemudian dia berniat untuk menambah pelaburannya. Dalam hatinya, jika pelaburan ini sukses, dia bisa melepaskan diri dari masalah kewangan, sehingga bisa beramal dan membantu orang lain dengan lebih banyak.Dia memohon petunjuk dulu kepada Allah. Apakah diperbolehkan pelaburan ini. Jika boleh, mohon dimudahkan. Jika tidak, mohon dijauhkan. Ternyata proposalnya ke bank disetujui, dengan jaminan kenderaan hasil usahanya selama ini. Pelaburan pun bertambah. Lalu dia berangkat.

Namun tidak lama setelah dia bekerja di kota baru, datang khabar buruk kalau bisnes yang diikutinya hancur. Dia kaget, dan mulai khuatir. Dia ingat hal-hal yang diajarkan oleh gurunya. Lalu dia berzikir dan berdoa. Maklum hanya itu yang bisa dia lakukan dari jauh. Tidak mungkin dia pulang dan menyelesaikannya.

Dia mengadukan semua pada Tuhan, dan berharap semoga keadaan menjadi lebih baik. Rajin sungguh dia berdoa, sehingga dia rasakan kenikmatan dalam hatinya yang jarang dirasakan sebelumnya. Hati yang terasa sejuk, seperti disiram ais ketika berzikir. Kekhuatirannya hilang, berubah menjadi syukur. Syukur kerana diberi cubaan dan diberi kenikmatan iman dalam zikirnya.

Beberapa hari kemudian berita baru datang. Keadaan tidak menjadi lebih baik, tetapi lebih buruk. Modal yang dilaburkannya terancam tidak bisa kembali. Disangkakan untung, yang mungkin terjadi adalah kerugian. Dia yang tadinya sudah tenang, kembali menjadi khuatir. Kemudian dalam kesempatan zikir setelah solat, dia pun kembali memasrahkan diri kepada Tuhan. Dia yakin, pertolongan Tuhan sangat dekat. Di sebalik ujian, pasti ada kemudahan. Dia yakin, ujian ini tidak akan lama, dan pada akhirnya pasti Tuhan akan menyelamatkan pelaburannya.

Hari berikutnya, berita datang lagi, bahawa keadaan benar-benar semakin tidak bisa dipulihkan. Hilangnya modal sudah di depan mata. Dia pun tidak bisa membohongi diri, kalau hatinya benar-benar khuatir dan putus asa. Belum pernah dia rasakan keputusan yang sedemikian dalam. Terbayang dalam fikirannya, bahawa di bulan-bulan selanjutnya dia harus membayar hutang ke bank puluhan juta, atas sesuatu yang dia tidak pernah rasakan manfaat dan keuntungannya.

Dia mulai berprasangka buruk kepada Tuhan. Dia merasa malas mengerjakan solat dan zikir, kerana ternyata kenyataan yang terjadi lain dengan yang diyakininya.
(Yaitu) ketika mereka datang kepadamu dari atas dan dari bawahmu, dan ketika tidak tetap lagi penglihatan(mu) dan hatimu naik menyesak sampai ke tenggorokan dan kamu menyangka terhadap Allah dengan bermacam-macam purbasangka. Di situlah diuji orang-orang mukmin dan digoncangkan (hatinya) dengan goncangan yang sangat.[QS33:10-11]

Bukankah sebelumnya aku sudah mohon petunjuk kepada-Mu ya Tuhan? Bukankah kesejukan dan ketenangan dalam diriku berasal dari-Mu ya Tuhan? Tapi kenapa jadi seperti ini?

Dia menjadi ragu, apakah Tuhan masih akan menolongnya. Benar-benar kacau keadaan hati dan fikirannya saat itu. Namun tidak lama, hanya kurang dari setengah jam dia merasakan seperti itu. Dia pun ingat yang diajarkan gurunya,

"Segala rasa seksa, itu datangnya dari shaitan." Lalu ia pun sedar, bahawa shaitan dalam dirinya sedang mengelabui dan menutup hatinya. Mencuba agar dia berputus asa dan berpaling dari Tuhan. Melalui fikiran dan nafsu, setan menampilkan gambaran yang buruk-buruk tentang apa yang akan terjadi kemudian. Dan shaitan itu bukan siapa-siapa, tetapi bahagian negatif dari keduanya, dari dirinya sendiri. "

Dia pun berteriak kepada nafsu dan fikirannya,"Wahai nafsu dan fikiranku. Diam kau sekarang. Kalian mahu diselamatkan atau tidak. Kalau mahu, mari bersamaku berwudhu’ dan menghadap Tuhan."Keyakinannya kepada Tuhan tumbuh lagi. Dalam zikir dia bertanya kepada Tuhan tentang hikmah semua ini. Kesalahan apa yang telah dilakukannya. Apa yang dikehendaki Tuhan atas dirinya.

"Jika kau hanya mahu kenikmatan, dan menolak penderitaan, maka bukan sifat Tuhan yang kau pelihara dalam hatimu. Jika kau mahu menjadi khalifah, menjadi wakilKu, maka kau harus mahu menerima kedua-duanya dengan ikhlas."

Sahabatku pun menangis di hadapan Tuhan. Menyesali kebodohan yang baru saja dia lakukan. Menyesali dirinya yang hampir-hampir masuk dalam golongan orang fasiq, orang-orang yang berputus asa terhadap rahmat Allah.

"Belum disebut beriman kamu, jika belum pernah diuji dan belum lulus ujian penderitaan.”

Tangisnya pun semakin dalam. Bukan kesedihan, tetapi rasa syukur yang dalam kerana telah diuji oleh Tuhan. Diberi kesempatan untuk menjadi orang beriman. Ada harapan untuk masuk golongan orang beriman."Ya Tuhanku, dulu aku tiada, sekarang aku tumbuh dengan lengkap sempurna. Dulu aku tidak punya harta, lalu Engkau anugerahi aku, dan sekarang Kau ambil lagi milik-Mu. Kenapa aku sedih dan khuatir ya Tuhan, atas hilangnya sesuatu yang bukan milikku. Betapa bodohnya aku ini. Betapa aku lupa siapa aku ini. Sungguh jika Engkau tidak ingatkan aku dengan ujian ini, pasti aku termasuk orang yang lupa diri selamanya. Ampuni aku ya Tuhan, atas kebodohanku ini.."

Dalam tangis dan zikirnya, dia membuka surat Alam Nasyrah.

"Bukankah Kami telah melapangkan untukmu. Dan Kami telah menghilangkan dari padamu bebanmu, yang memberatkan punggungmu? Dan Kami tinggikan bagimu sebutan (nama)mu. Kerana sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Maka apabila kamu telah selesai (dari sesuatu urusan), kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh (urusan) yang lain. Dan hanya kepada Tuhanmu lah hendaknya kamu berharap."

Tiada terkira syukur nikmat yang dia rasakan. Nikmat iman dan kedekatan dengan Tuhan. Terasa seperti dalam pelukan kekasihnya. Teringat bagaimana kekhuatiran dalam hatinya dihilangkan, dan diganti dengan syukur. Terbayang saat-saat yang penuh beban kemudian menjadi seringan kapas.

Dan sahabatku pun menjadi tidak lagi peduli dengan kerugian, kehilangan, dan kegagalan. Semua dari Allah, dan sekarang kembali kepada-Nya lagi. Dia pun segera kembali bekerja, seolah tiada masalah yang terjadi. Dia teringat perintah Tuhan agar tidak banyak berangan-angan, khuatir, memikirkan kemungkinan- kemungkinan buruk yang bakal terjadi, dan besarnya nilai kerugian yang dialami. Tidak ada waktu lagi untuk itu, yang ada adalah "mengerjakan dengan sungguh-sungguh urusan yang lain," iaitu pekerjaannya.

Beberapa hari kemudian berlalu dengan normal. Apapun berita tentang pelaburannya sudah tidak lagi menarik hatinya. Namun sebenarnya masalah masih ada. Hutang tetap hutang, dan harus dibayar! Suatu hari, datang berita lagi, setidaknya untuk saat itu modal dia benar-benar tidak bisa diharapkan kembali. Bisnes yang diikutinya sudah gulung tikar. Mereka yang mengurus bisnes tersebut sedang dalam penyelidikan polisi dan hukum. Dia pun teringat kembali, dari mana harus membayar hutangnya. Minggu depan sudah harus membayar hutang. Kalau tidak bisa, akan dimasukkan daftar hitam oleh bank dan kenderaanya disita.
Dia memang sudah tidak peduli dengan modal yang hilang. Tetapi masalah masih akan timbul seandainya dia tidak mampu melunaskan segala hutangnya pada bank.
“Kamu sungguh-sungguh akan diuji terhadap hartamu dan dirimu.” [QS3:186]

Seperti biasa, sahabat saya yang menjadi rajin mendekatkan diri kepada Allah sejak ujian ini, merenung dengan hatinya dan berzikir. Dia sudah ikhlas dan memasrahkan semua urusan kepada Tuhan. Dia sudah tidak pernah memohon agar diringankan atau dikembalikan modalnya. Dia yakin, semua memang sudah diatur oleh Allah untuknya.Kenapa harus meminta yang aneh-aneh yang mungkin di luar scenario Allah? Oleh kerana itu, doanya hanyalah "agar diberi penerang dalam ujian ini, dan diberi akhir yang terbaik."

Dalam zikirnya dia mendapat penjelasan. Ada beberapa kesalahan yang dia lakukan dalam bisnes itu. Pertama, adanya niat dalam hati untuk "bebas dari masalah kewangan yang membelenggu". Berharap memperoleh pendapatan pasif sehingga merasa cukup dari sudut material dan tidak perlu lagi khuatir soal wang. Ternyata, hal ini bisa menggelincirkan hatinya pada kemusyrikan yang lembut. Kemusyrikan yang ditimbulkan oleh harta. Bagi Tuhan, jika dia merasa tenang kerana kecukupan material, atau "bebas financial", maka itu sama saja dengan kemusyrikan. Sebab dia merasa tenang bukan kerana Allah. Dia tenang kerana sesuatu selain Allah. Belum saatnya bagi dia untuk mengalami "bebas financial" ini, kerana pasti akan terjerumus. Suatu saat jika sudah tiba waktunya, pasti akan dianugerahi oleh Allah kebebasan ini. Namun saat itu dia sudah siap, sehingga tidak tertipu oleh kesenangan material. Ujian ini untuk mempersiapkan dirinya.

Kedua, adanya keinginan untuk bisa membantu lebih banyak orang dengan banyaknya harta yang dia miliki nanti.Bukankah ini niat yang baik? Benar, tetapi ternyata keinginan ini bisa menipu dengan halusnya. Ada kesalahan dalam keinginan tersebut, iaitu sesungguhnya bukan dia yang membantu manusia lain, tetapi Tuhan. Jika benar terjadi dia bisa membantu banyak orang, pasti dia akan tertipu oleh rasa dirinya, oleh pengakuan dirinya. Pengakuan bahwa "aku telah beramal soleh dengan membantu banyak orang." Lalu muncul kepuasan dan kebanggaan spiritual yang tidak dia sedari. Tidak seharusnya dia memiliki rasa seperti itu, kerana semua harus dikembalikan kepada Tuhan. Dirinya dipakai oleh Tuhan untuk menolong orang lain, tetapi bukan dia yang menolong. Kesedaran ini harus tumbuh terlebih dahulu, sebelum dia benar-benar menolong orang lain nanti. Dan ujian ini yang mengajarinya. Mengajarkan makna "Bismillah", "Atas nama Allah", "dengan nama Allah". Ertinya ketika dia membantu orang lain, saat itu dalam hatinya harus disedari bahawa yang membantu adalah Tuhan, bukan dirinya. Tuhan sedang menggunakan wadahnya untuk membantu orang lain. Dan tidak sepatutnya dia mengakui itu sebagai amal perbuatannya.

"Ya Tuhan, betapa Mulianya Engkau. Aku membeli ujian ini dengan modal yang tidak seberapa, dan itupun dari-Mu, harta milik-Mu. Namun manfaat yang kudapatkan sungguh tiada ternilai dengan apapun. Betapa bodoh jika aku masih menyesali hilangnya harta itu ya Tuhan."

Demikian katanya lirih dalam hati.Happy ending? Belum...Hutang tetap hutang, dan harus dibayar. Dia pun harus kembali ke alam nyata. Harus tersedar lagi dari tafakkur dan zikirnya, dan menghadapi bulan-bulan berikutnya dengan tekanan dan mungkin penderitaan. Apa yang telah dia dapatkan, sekali lagi, harus dibuktikan dengan kenyataan. "Ya Tuhan, ini adalah minggu-minggu yang berat bagiku. Seperti ditiup angin dan badai kencang. Aku sudah hampir tumbang, tapi Engkau selamatkan aku. Dan sekarang pun belum usai ujian ini ya Tuhan. Aku yakin Kau pasti menolong. Aku tidak minta apapun bahkan untuk Kau ringankan beban ini.Engkau Maha Tahu akan kemampuanku dan keterbatasanku lebih dari pengetahuanku sendiri. Berilah aku petunjuk-Mu, agar aku tidak khuatir lagi menghadapi hari-hari di depanku dalan mengharungi ujian-Mu ini."

Lihatlah pohon di luar jendela itu. Bukankah kau beberapa minggu ini tertarik memperhatikannya? Kau sudah lihat pohon itu dulu berdaun lebat. Lalu datang musim gugur. Daunnya menjadi kuning, rapuh, kemudian berjatuhan ditiup angin kencang. Musim dingin sudah berlalu, dan sekarang musim bunga. Kau lihat daunnya mekar, dari hari ke hari semakin lebat, dan sekarang seluruh cabangnya telah hijau kembali.Dari tahun ke tahun seperti itu. Sejak pohon itu kecil, hingga sekarang menjadi besar. Kau lihat, meskipun daunnya berjatuhan dan kembali mekar, bukan bermakna pohon itu semakin kecil. Tetapi semakin besar, semakin tinggi, semakin rendang.

Seperti itulah manusia yang beriman. Mereka tidak akan pernah lepas dari ujian, dari tiupan angin badai penderitaan. Kerana itulah makanan bagi keimanannya agar tumbuh subur. Namun selalu "sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan", selalu ada yang bersemi, selalu ada kebahagiaan baru. Seperti pohon yang makin tinggi, iman mereka pun semakin meningkat.Kadang-kadang ada pohon yang tumbang kerana badai dahsyat. Namun selama akar pohon itu masih masuk ke dalam tanah, sumber bahan kehidupan, pohon itu tidak akan mati. Daun dan dahannya akan selalu tumbuh. Oleh kerana itu, tancapkan hatimu, akarmu, kepada Sumber Kehidupan, kepada Dzatullah. Maka kau akan selamat.

“Dan sebutlah (nama) Tuhanmu dalam hatimu dengan merendahkan diri dan rasa takut, dan dengan tidak mengeraskan suara, di waktu pagi dan petang, dan janganlah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang lalai.” [QS7:205]

Pohon tidak pernah khuatir akan kehilangan daun untuk selamanya ketika daunnya berguguran. Apakah kamu tidak malu pada pohon itu? Belajarlah darinya.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Menulis di atas pasir….

Assalamualaikum wbt buat sahabat-sahabat yang ana kasihi fillah sekelian…terasa dah lama tidak mengetip keyboard untuk blog ana…aasifati dan rimbunan kemaafan dipinta atas kelemahan diri dan kapasiti yang ternyata terhad…ana hanyalah insan dhaif yang biasa…Allahu a’laam..

InshaAllah, entry kali ini ana tujukan buat sahabat-sahabat ana yang sangat ana rindui dan inshaAllah sentiasa dikenang dalam doa seharian ana…tiada apa yang ana mampu berikan..hanyalah sekeping hati yang menyayangi saudara-saudara seaqidah…teman seperjuangan kerana Allah SWT…ana mungkin pernah mengabaikan hak kalian sebagai seorang sahabat…atau mungkin ana pernah mengecewakan sesiapa atas sikap ana sendiri…justeru, ana kongsikan entry ini agar ianya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh sahabat-sahabat sekelian…semoga tautan hati yang diperkukuhkan dengan doa Rabithah ini bisa berkekalan hingga ke akhirnya….dan jalinan ukhuwwah ini diredhai Allah….kerana matlamat utama hidup sebagai musafir lalu ini adalah menggapai keredhaan Allah…sekali lagi…ana memohon kemaafan dan terima kasih teman-temanku…moga Allah memelihara kalian semua…Ameen.

Kisah tentang dua orang sahabat karib yang sedang berjalan melintasi gurun pasir. Ditengah perjalanan, mereka bertengkar dan salah seorang tanpa dapat menahan diri menampar temannya. Orang yang kena tampar, merasa sakit hati, tapi dengan tanpa berkata-kata, dia menulis di atas pasir :


Orang yang pipinya kena tampar dan terluka hatinya, mencuba berenang untuk menyejukkan galaunya.

Mereka terus berjalan, sampai menemukan sebuah oasis, di mana mereka memutuskan untuk mandi.

Namun, ternyata oasis tersebut cukup dalam sehingga ia nyaris tenggelam, dan diselamatkanlah ia oleh sahabatnya.Ketika dia mulai siuman dan rasa takutnya sudah hilang, dia menulis di sebuah batu :


Si penolong yang pernah menampar sahabatnya tersebut bertanya,"Kenapa setelah saya melukai hatimu, kau menulisnya di atas pasir, dan sekarang kamu menulis di batu?"

Temannya sambil tersenyum menjawab,"Ketika seorang sahabat melukai kita, kita harus menulisnya di atas pasir agar angin maaf datang berhembus dan menghapus tulisan tersebut. Dan bila dalam antara sahabat terjadi sesuatu kebajikan sekecil
apa pun, kita harus memahatnya di atas batu hati kita, agar tetap terkenang tidak hilang tertiup waktu."

Dalam hidup ini sering timbul beza pendapat dan konflik kerana sudut pandang yang berbeza. Oleh kerananya cubalah untuk saling memaafkan dan lupakan masalah lalu.

Marilah kita belajar menulis di atas pasir!

Wallahu ta’ala a’laam…ana al-faqeerah ilallah…

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Remember Allah....anytime anywhere...

Allah has more patience than you can imagine. He would also like to teach you how to be patient with others. HE LOVES YOU so much that He is doing all these to you everyday even with all your ungratefulness to Him.

The landscape that He made is only for you, He does not need it...Well, you are getting up again...and just out of His love for you, He might give you another nice day!!!!

Or, will He?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Erti Kebahagiaan....

“Sesungguhnya kebahagiaan itu ialah, anda hidup
untuk pemikiran yang benar dan kukuh
untuk akidah terbesar yang menyelesaikan permasalahan alam yang lampau
persoalan yang disoal oleh orang yang tertanya-tanya
semasa mereka sedar dan cerdik boleh berfikir
Dari manakah aku datang?
Ke manakah aku hendak pergi?
Kenapa aku dijadikan?
Adakah aku hidup kembali?

Lalu bersinarlah keyakinan di dalam jiwa
terusir segala keraguan yang degil
terdidiklah fikiran yang waras
terciptalah akhlak yang mulia
dan kembalilah setiap akal yang menyeleweng kepada jalan yang benar dan lurus
hidupmu akan dikurniakan nilai
oleh Tuhanmu agar hidupmu terbina
supaya matamu memandang di segala ufuk
ke arah cita-cita yang tinggi

Lalu hiduplah kamu di dunia untuk akhirat
di sanalah kamu hidup kekal dan tidak fana'
kau tudung bumimu dengan langit
dan para malaikat menjadi saksi
itulah akidah Islam untuk muslim yang bahagia
itulah asas, itulah tiang serinya
Sesiapa yang hidup memikulnya sambil memekik
dengan namanya; dialah orang yang berbahagia…”

~ Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi~

Sesungguhnya puisi yang indah itu lahir dari hati yang suci dan bersih....wallahu a'laam...

Three Required Characteristics for Seeking Knowledge...

Assalamualaikum wbt to everyone...just a piece of reminder for myself and may it benefit you all...Have a read...[A credit to Abu Anas for this nice piece of writing]...may Allah reward you good..Ameen

Tonight, we will begin with a very important and beneficial, Allaah-willing, introduction on the method of seeking knowledge. The reason for this talk is due to the great response and love for seeking knowledge that we see from the youth, may Allaah bless them. However, many of them are not aware of the correct method for acquiring it. How should one seek knowledge? Some of them spend a long time, maybe years, seeking knowledge but they don’t achieve the level that others have achieved during that same amount of time. The reason behind this is due to his lack of adhering to the correct methodology with regard to seeking knowledge. This is the methodology by which if a student of knowledge adheres to it, he will achieve a share of what Allaah had decreed for him – a share that will benefit him; a share that is firm and established, which he will be able to convey to others in a clear and doubt-free manner.

Many of the youth read various writings – sometimes on the subjects of Hadeeth and sometimes on the subjects of Tafseer and Fiqh. They listen to and attend the gatherings of the people of knowledge. However, when they go back and examine themselves – i.e. those who have attended lectures for a year or two – they find that they have not fully understood the subject matter presented to them. Or perhaps they find that they have not acquired a lot of knowledge from this. Their attendance of lectures and lessons has not provided them with a well-founded basis of knowledge, which they can use as a way and method to follow and judge by. The reason for this is due to the lack of adhering to the correct method for seeking knowledge.

So a student of knowledge must follow a clear and defined methodology when seeking knowledge. If he fails to do so, he will divert from the correct path, which is why we see that many of them get fed up and impatient with knowledge. They spend years studying, but then grow weary and tired and eventually give it up. Then some more years pass by and they go back to being regular common folk or reciters – something they never expected. So we would like for the new up and coming student of knowledge to abide by two characteristics:

First: He should adhere to the method of education that those people of knowledge before us adhered to, and due to which they became scholars, after having treaded upon this way.

Second: He should be prepared to sacrifice all of his time to seeking knowledge. And he must not get fed up with it regardless of what the situation is.

In his book “Al-Jaami’ Li-Akhlaaq-ir-Raawee wa Adaab as-Saami’”, Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee reported: “One of the students of Hadeeth used to crave and yearn for seeking knowledge. So he would visit the elder teachers and sit in their gatherings. Then when some time had passed, he saw that he had not benefited at all and that he had not attained a great deal of knowledge. So he said: ‘I am not fit for this knowledge” and gave it up, since he thought that there was something wrong with his understanding or that he was not qualified for seeking knowledge. One day, after he had left off seeking knowledge for some time, he passed by a rock that had water falling on it, drop by drop. The continuous dripping of water had affected the rock to the point that it had made a hole in it. The man stood there for a while, contemplating and reflecting, and said: ‘This water, in spite of its softness, was able to have an effect on this rock, in spite of its hardness. And my mind and heart are not harder than this rock and neither is this knowledge any softer than the water.’ So he became determined to go back to seeking knowledge, which he did and excelled at. And he later became one of those referred to with regard to it.”

This shows you that a student of knowledge needs determination. He should not get tired and say: “I have studied and not learned anything!” Rather, he should go back to the cause. The cause is not found in his natural disposition. With regard to most of the youth or most of those who set out to seek knowledge, the cause is not that they don’t understand. Many of them do understand, but the reason why they are not able to acquire knowledge is because they have not followed the correct path and methodology, which produced the people of knowledge that came before us. This path is simple and easy, and it is easier than the paths that many of the people take today.

Once this point becomes clear, the following important question should come to mind, which is often repeated and which many of the youth continuously ask, and it is: What is the correct way for seeking knowledge? How should a student of knowledge follow this way in accordance with the methodology that will enable him to become a (true) student of knowledge and have the ability to study, if Allaah grants him success in that? This is an extremely important question. Attending the gatherings of knowledge has many benefits to it – the greatest of which is that the student of knowledge comes out from these sittings fully understanding the subjects presented to him such that he is able to make others understand what he has understood.

First: The student of knowledge must have the following necessary and binding characteristics and attributes in his quest for attaining knowledge:
  1. The first and greatest of these characteristics is that he must be sincere to his Lord when seeking knowledge. This is since seeking knowledge is an act of worship and the angels, as stated in an authentic hadeeth, lower their wings for the seeker of knowledge out of contentment for what he is doing. So this act of worship must be done sincerely for Allaah’s sake in order for it to be accepted and blessed by Allaah. This means that one should not seek knowledge in order to achieve some worldly position. One should not seek religious knowledge – knowledge of the Qur’aan and Sunnah – for the sake of status or to be heard or so that he may become a teacher or a lecturer or famous or so that he can give lessons and so on. Rather, his intention behind seeking knowledge should be to worship Allaah and remove ignorance from himself. This is so that he may worship Allaah upon knowledge and clear insight.

So therefore, being sincere in seeking knowledge means that (1) one’s intention is for the sake of Allaah and not to attain some worldly position; and that (2) one intends to remove ignorance from himself. Imaam Ahmad was once asked: “How should one have sincerity with regard to knowledge?” He replied saying: “Sincerity in knowledge is that a person intends to uplift ignorance from himself. This is since a person with knowledge and a person that is very ignorant are not equal.”

Allaah says: “Is one who is obedient to Allaah, prostrating himself and standing in prayer during the hours of the night, fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the Mercy of His Lord (like one who disbelieves)? Say: Are those who know equal to those who don’t know?” [Surah Az-Zumar: 9]

And He says in Surah Al-Mujaadilah: “Allaah will raise those who believe amongst you and those who were given knowledge many levels.” [Surah Al-Mujaadilah: 11]

So Allaah has given preference to those who have knowledge over those who don’t. The person who seeks knowledge in order to worship Allaah upon clarity and to remove ignorance from himself and so that he can live his life in accordance with what Allaah has legislated – this is the one who is truly sincere (in his search for knowledge). He is sincere because his intention was for the sake of Allaah. His intention was to free himself from being a follower of desires and from being ignorant and a blind follower.

Sincerity is the first of these conditions and the primary characteristic and attribute that the student of knowledge must have. The proper characteristics and attributes one should have are many, such that numerous books and writings, big and small, have been authored on them. However, we will only mention from those characteristics, those that concern us in this discussion.

Second: One must apply gentleness and proceed in a slow and calm manner in his search for knowledge. This is since the Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) informed us, in general terms, saying: “Verily, Allaah loves gentleness in every affair.” Seeking knowledge falls under this in the general sense. The Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) also said: “Gentleness does not enter something except that it beautifies it.” Knowledge and studying fall under this.

What does it mean to “apply gentleness?” It means that one should not seek to achieve knowledge all at once, as Ibn Shihaab Az-Zuhree, the famous Imaam from the Taabi’een, once said: “Whoever seeks to attain knowledge in one shot, it will leave from him in one shot. Rather, knowledge is to be sought with the passage of days and nights.”

A poet elaborated more on this understanding, saying:

“Knowledge today and tomorrow the same, By doing this a man will attain wisdom, Through choosing knowledge, which is to be gathered, Since a stream is nothing more than a collection of droplets.”

So gentleness is something that is required. But how is this gentleness to be applied? It is by not desiring to attain knowledge all at once, i.e. in one shot. For example, a person wishes to gain knowledge of Tafseer, so he goes and reads the “Tafseer” of Ibn Jareer. The Tafseer of Ibn Jareer contains all aspects of Tafseer. So this person has sought to attain knowledge all at once. It is not possible for one to “start” and “finish” the Tafseer of Ibn Jareer. And if you were to ask him a question regarding it, nothing from the Tafseer would stick to his mind except for a small portion. He remembers that he read this and that he read that. But he will not be able to properly explain to you the meaning of a verse in the manner that is necessary. So then how is this gentleness to be applied? It is by seeking knowledge in gradual stages – this is the way that must be adhered to.

Likewise, we have the example of a man who intends to study the Science of Hadeeth, so he goes to the book “Nail-ul-Awtaar”, and begins with that, or he goes to “Fat’h-ul-Baaree” and says: “That’s it. I finished one chapter from Fat’h-ul-Baaree.” You should know that this type of person will never achieve the level of understanding that the people of knowledge are upon. He may become well-versed or an informed reader having scattered bits of information. But this is not the knowledge that serves as a foundation and which afterward will propel the one who has it to the level of a scholar, if Allaah so grants it.

The same goes for Fiqh. What have you read concerning Fiqh? He says: “I am reading “Al-Mughnee” or “I am reading the “Majmoo’ (-ul-Fataawaa).” It can be honestly said that this person has not applied gentleness in his search for knowledge. He has sought to attain knowledge all at once. “Al-Mughnee” and “Al-Majmoo’” as well as the other larger works – the only ones who should preoccupy themselves with the (Fuqh) issues contained in them are the people of knowledge. As for the beginning student of knowledge, he should not read it from beginning to end. No doubt, he will at some point need to conduct research on a specific issue, in which case he will have to refer to the larger works. However, he should not read these books thoroughly as if he were reading through a novel.

Also, from the requisites of gentleness is that a student of knowledge should not preoccupy himself with the complex intricate issues. This is since, if while seeking knowledge, he preoccupies himself with intricate issues and complex subjects, he will eventually forget it and never acquire knowledge. The reason for this is because he has not established the proper foundation by which he can understand these complex and intricate (Fiqh) issues. Some of us go to classes that deal with extremely complex issues in which the students spend numerous long years and still have not finished it or they spend months on just one chapter alone, and so on, and they think that they have acquired knowledge. No. This is not the correct way since they has have not applied gentleness. And Allaah, the Mighty and Sublime, says: “But rather, be you Rabbaaniyeen (learned men) because of your teaching the Book and studying it.” [Surah Aali ‘Imraan: 79]

Concerning the part of the ayah: “Be you Rabbaaniyeen”, Abu ‘Abdillaah Al-Bukhaaree, may Allaah have mercy on him, interpreted it by saying: “The Rabbaanee is he who nurtures the people using the smaller aspects of knowledge before the bigger ones.” So this person who is well-versed in knowledge and teaching is he who raises the people upon the smaller aspects of knowledge before the bigger ones.

It is honorable for an instructor or student of knowledge, when teaching, to mention everything he knows about a specific issue. After preparing his lesson, he should mention everything that he remembers on the subject. This is an honorable characteristic. However, this is not beneficial for the one who is teaching since he is reviewing what he knows. The person with knowledge should only deliver what the audience needs. He should not deliver to the audience that which is over their level.

So one must apply gentleness – How should this gentleness be? The reply to this will come when we explain the correct method of seeking knowledge, and that is by seeking knowledge in stages.

Third: He must be persistent in his search for knowledge, giving it the dearest and sweetest parts of his time, and not the dead and lifeless parts of it. So if an individual reserves for knowledge and classes the times in which his mind is exhausted and his understanding is weak, he has opposed the correct method of seeking knowledge and is not being sincere to himself.

So therefore, you should give knowledge the best moments of your time, in which your mind is clear, strong and unoccupied. However, this will only happen if there is something else accompanying it. And that is when the student of knowledge is engulfed in knowledge day and night. He wakes up in the morning with knowledge filling his mind and he passes the evening in the same manner. His life revolves around knowledge.

When he wants to sleep, he has a book next to him, which he may need to reference for a particular (Fiqh) issue. This is why some of the scholars say: “If you see the books of a student of knowledge neatly arranged in order, then know that he has abandoned (reading) them.” If you pay an unexpected visit to a person and enter his library to find his books neatly arranged – each book in its proper place – this means that he does not look into them. There is no book on the floor, nor is there any book beside him, and if he has a table, there are no books on top of it – this indicates that he reserves a particular time for “reading”, as done by some hired educators. There is no such thing as ”study time” for the student of knowledge! This is because all of his time is spent in seeking knowledge. In the morning and in the evening, his mind is preoccupied with the various issues of knowledge.

The best period of time in a person’s life in which he can acquire knowledge is in the period of his adolescence. This is when he can devote all of his time to it. He should distribute his time for the various aspects of knowledge, leaving the best portions of it in which his memory is strong to the sciences that require the mind to be overworked, such as the sciences of Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Fundamental Principles (Usool), Grammar (Nahu) and so on. As for normal times, he should reserve that for subjects that do not require his mind to be overworked, such as the subjects of Interpreting the Qur’aan (Tafseer), Narrations (Hadeeth), Terminology of the Hadeeth (Mustalah) and so on. And the times in which his comprehension is at the weakest level, he should use for reading books on etiquettes, books on narrators, the biographies of narrators, history and so on – general learning.

So he is constantly preoccupied wherever he is. He is always busy with seeking knowledge. No amusement or company can deter him from that. This is why we see that the biggest mistake that some who think that they are students of knowledge commit is that they spend long hours in gatherings engaged in he said/she said talk and speech that does not result in knowledge. He will not become a student of knowledge this way. Rather, he will become something else depending on what he preoccupies his time with.

As for the student of knowledge, then his hopes, desires and aspirations are all preoccupied with seeking knowledge. The gathering in which there occurs discussions on seeking knowledge and a clarification of what Allaah has revealed in His Book or what the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) has stated – this is the place in which one can open his heart and broaden his mind. Or it could be in a place of education or in a place where there is an explanation of the knowledge that Allaah revealed. This is the place where the heart finds ease and relaxation.

So therefore, from the required characteristics that a student of knowledge must have is that he constantly engulf himself with knowledge. He should not give knowledge some of his time. Rather, he should give all of his time to it or a portion of it, such as the period of his adolescence – the period in which it is easy for one to acquire knowledge. This is why some of the predecessors would say: “Give knowledge all of yourself, and it will give you some of itself.” This is since knowledge is vast and its aspects are numerous and diverse. This is why when one of the Imaams of Hadeeth was on his deathbed, he would still be narrating hadeeth, telling his scribe to write it down – knowledge that was obtained even in a situation such as this.

This shows you the extent of his sincerity, following (of the Religion) and the fact that his heart was engulfed in knowledge. When Imaam Ahmad was suffering from his final sickness, at times, he would feel pain and groan out loud. So when one of his students came and heard him, he narrated to him with a chain of narration from Muhammad bin Sireen that Anas bin Maalik (radyAllaahu 'anhu) used to consider it detested (makrooh) to groan. After that, he did not hear Ahmad groan again until he passed away.

This mentality on the part of the student and the teacher is that which will enable the student of knowledge, through the Grace of Allaah, to become a scholar in the future, if Allaah wills. And this is the mentality which will enable him to benefit and cause him to always be preoccupied with knowledge – day and night, he is learning. He should not look down upon a point of benefit that comes to him by way of someone that is young in age or old in age. Some people receive points of benefit from individuals that are younger than them (in age and knowledge), and so they feel arrogant towards him or they don’t give that point their full attention. The reason for this is because they have elevated themselves over the knowledge. And when one elevates himself over knowledge, he will not be from those who are able to acquire it.

Rather, a younger or smaller person may have some knowledge that an older or bigger person doesn’t. And likewise one who is younger or smaller may understand some aspects of knowledge whereas one who is older and bigger may not. But if he explains it to him, he should benefit from it. The scholars have mentioned a clear example for this, which is the story of prophet Sulaymaan and the hoopoe bird. Even though the hoopoe bird was lowly in terms of stature and composure and Sulaymaan was elevated in terms of stature, composure and position in the sight of Allaah and before all of creation, the hoopoe bird said to him: “I have grasped knowledge of something that you have not grasped. And I have come to you from Saba’ (Sheba) with certain news.” [Surah An-Naml: 22]

So the hoopoe bird knew something that Sulayman was unaware of. The people of knowledge have derived from this story that you should not be arrogant with someone that brings you a point of benefit (from knowledge), regardless if he is young and lowly or old and prominent.

These three characteristics are extremely important for the student of knowledge. There are other characteristics besides these, as I mentioned before to you, which you should look up in the books that were written about this subject.

Wallahu ta'ala a'laam....Barakallahu fiikum abadan abada....